Are you wanting to return to training post COVID-19 lockdown?
Our new normal appears to be a stop start life revolving around lockdowns and restrictions for COVID 19. After our latest lockdown, community sport has not been resumes leaving many without that physical outlet. Whether you have kept up some training, had to modify your training or did not do as much training as you had hoped; there are some things to consider as you return post lockdown, injury or just a holiday.
Getting back into it
In your excitement to get back into training, take a moment to think about where your current fitness level is now compared to pre COVID-19 Lockdown or injury. Be honest with yourself. If you did a little more binge TV watching than training, that’s fine, but it means you have lost a little fitness. You need to ease back into your routine to prevent injury, but what does that really mean?
- Ensure you do a proper warm up and cool down for each session. Use stretches, rollers and ice as needed to aid your recovery.
- Drop your pre-iso/injury weight by 20-30%. Work on gradually increasing the weight over 4-8 weeks depending on your fitness levels.
- If in doubt get your form checked by a professional to ensure you are in control.
- If you have not been training then your muscles as tendons will have likely shrunk and need time to adapt to the load.
- Consult a physiotherapist on injury prevention; by helping with a graded return to sport training plan.
Some safety tips – for your health and others
If you plan your return to sport or training correctly, you can avoid injury and have a good season. However, if you were already harboring a niggly injury then now is the time to seek help to ensure your return to training goes smoothly. Majority of musculoskeletal injuries will resolve themselves within 2 weeks. If your pain maintains longer than that or starts to get worse then it is time to seek some help to recover. Check out our expert team to see who can help you return to your best.
You must also be aware of the COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies:
- If you’re sick, don’t attend
- Ensure good hand hygiene
- No sharing of drink bottles or towels, etc
- Cleaning of shared equipment
- Each sport will have rules and regulation specific to their code.
Click here for further guidance on COVID-19 considerations for safety.
Now is the time to get an assessment and a tailored strength and return to training post COVID-19 lockdown with a sports program to get you in top gear for next season. You need 6-8 weeks of a program to see improvements in your chosen sport.
Book an appointment:
Let us help you gear up for next season. Book in for your treatment now with one of our team by calling 0410 559 856
For more information, please see our FAQs or contact the clinic.