Sprained ankle treatment and exercises are necessary to facilitate quick recovery and to:
Sprained Ankle Treatment
An acute ankle sprain is a common injury among athletes and non-athletic people alike. A sprained ankle means that the ankle ligaments which support the joint by connecting the bones to each other are stretched or torn. Most commonly, sprained ankle occurs when the foot is forced to move out of its regular position, causing one or more ligaments to stretch, tear partially or even completely. Depending on how severe your condition is, sprained ankle treatment may be necessary (or just a much faster way to recovery). Approximately 60% of untreated ankle sprains will go on to have chronic ankle instability.
Sprained ankle symptoms vary based on how excessive the sprain or tear is. You may experience anything from mild tenderness, and bruising to localised swelling, and even extreme pain. If you notice that you have difficulty moving the ankle or putting your full weight on it, it is highly probable that you have completely torn the ligaments. In such cases, we recommend ankle sprain physiotherapy treatment.
A chronic ankle sprain can happen when people avoid undergoing acute ankle sprain treatment. When you notice persistent instability, constant or increasing pain and swelling, and you still continue to postpone seeing a professional about it, you are at risk of further injuring the ankle.
Chronic ankle sprain treatment is necessary for people who have developed problems like joint instability, reduced range of motion, and constant pain. When the problem progresses to this stage, self-care is almost futile and a professional chronic sprained ankle treatment is necessary for a full recovery.
A sprained ankle can occur in people of all ages, men and women. It can happen during a sporting activity, as a result of a fall or uncomfortable pivoting, stepping, or landing on the foot, causing it to twist. It is also possible to sprain or tear your ankle ligaments while walking, be it because of an uneven surface, improper footwear, or awkward step.
Mild sprains take between one week and a month to heal and can sometimes be treated by applying ice, keeping the leg elevated, and resting the injured foot (avoid stepping on it). When it comes to partial and complete ligament tears, it is highly improbable that the pain will go away on its own. However to restore full functionality to the foot and to heal your ankle, consult with Vitalis Physiotherapy to receive the most update to date ankle sprain physiotherapy treatment.
Sprained Ankle Symptoms
- Tenderness
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Reduced movement in the ankle
- Pain moving in the direction of injury
- Inability to lean on and carry full body weight on the hurt foot
- Feeling of instability
Our Sprained Ankle Treatment
- Ankle sprain diagnosis and treatment
- Taping
- Joint mobilisation
- Gait scan
- Brace prescription
- Orthotic prescription
- Personalised acute and chronic ankle sprain treatment exercises