If you undergo runner’s knee treatment at Vitalis Physiotherapy, you can expect to:
Runner's Knee Treatment
Runner’s knee, also known as the patellofemoral pain syndrome, refers to a condition which causes you to feel pain around the front of your knee. Despite the name, it is important to mention that the condition is not only common among athletes and professional runners, but any anyone that participates in sport with lots of running and jumping can develop runner’s knee. In fact, it can also occur as a result of simple, everyday activities, such as walking, or because of a genetic defect.
If you feel pain in and around the kneecap when you are active or after sitting for prolonged periods with your knees bent, it is highly likely that you are suffering from runner’s knee. The condition is also characterised by unusual grinding or clicking sound, as well as the unpleasant rubbing feeling. Finally, if the kneecap feels tender when you touch it and the knee seems weaker than before – turn to a professional to schedule a thorough examination.
If it does not occur after an injury or excessive training, runner’s knee can be caused by a structural deficit, or because of a specific/improper way of walking or running. It is also possible to get runners knee due to a tight kneecap, tight hamstrings, or tight Achilles tendons, as well as weak tight muscles and poor foot support.
The fastest way to recovery is by undergoing a personalised runner’s knee pain treatment. At Vitalis Physiotherapy, we first conduct a comprehensive assessment of your physical state to determine what is underlying your patella mal-tracking. Based on the results, we customise a treatment plan that we believe will deliver the quickest and best results.
In the majority of cases, we propose our patients to resort to tapping, soft tissue mobilisation, or manual therapy. In some cases, we opt for gait scan and even give a prescription for foot orthotics. In all cases, we design a set of runner’s knee treatment exercises intended to strengthen weaker yet crucial body parts responsible for ma-tracking of the patella.
To minimise the chances of having to undergo treatment for runner’s knee, athletes are advised:
- to wear quality running shoes
- stretch before running
- master the proper running technique
- be sure that you are always running leaned forward, with your knees bent
- Maintain a healthy weight
- increase training intensity gradually
Runner’s Knee Symptoms
- Gradual knee ache growing into a more sudden pain
- Knee pain after prolonged sitting
- Knee pain during downhill running
- Knee pain when running on uneven terrain
- Pain during activities that bend the knee
- Tenderness around the kneecap
- Knee pain when the patella bone is pressured
Our Runner’s Knee Treatment Methods
- Comprehensive examination and physical assessment
- Gait scan
- Taping
- Soft tissue mobilisation
- Joint mobilisation
- Foot orthotics
- Customised runner’s knee treatment exercise program
- Shockwave Therapy