Facts about your EPC or CDM care plans for physiotherapy treatment.
EPC (or CDM) Care Plans can help subsidise part of your physio treatment if you have a chronic condition. Ask your GP if you are eligible for one.
EPC (or CDM) Care Plans can help subsidise part of your physio treatment if you have a chronic condition. Ask your GP if you are eligible for one.
Some ways to help the body return to the optimal movement pattern are to release the tight muscles. You can do this by stretching, using a roller or trigger ball.
Most people with Knee OsteoArthritis don’t know that exercising is just as good as pain medication in relieving their pain.
Keeping active at any age is good for us, however staying active as we age is vital.
While some concerns such as incontinence, breast cancer and post-natal depression may require a specialist or Women’s Health Physiotherapist, this is not always the case.